
The Greeter’s Unit originated in 1931 when it was then known as the “Glad Hand Committee” whose job it would be to greet guests and make them welcome at Shrine gatherings. This committee remained so named until the Edmonton Shrine Club formed the Greeters Unit in 1951.

To date the Greeters have 32 members and they meet on the last Sunday of each month for dinner with their Ladies. A business meeting for the nobles follows the dinner while the Ladies socialize.

The Greeters serve the Al Shamal Temple by taking registration at regular monthly meetings, selling raffle tickets as well as any other duties assigned by the Potentate.

Our Social functions include a pancake breakfast, summer barbecue, and a Christmas party. We raise funds by participating in the circus, parades, raffles, and 50/50 draws. There is no initiation fee but nominal annual dues ($25.00) are collected.

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