Director's Staff

As a Shrine Mason you can become part of the Director’s Staff Unit engaged in the mission of helping children while having fun.

The Director’s Staff Unit was approved for all Shrine Centres in 1919 by the Imperial Shrine. Our Director’s Staff Unit was originally formed in 1951 as a Unit with the Edmonton Shrine Club operating under the Al Azhar Shrine Centre, located in Calgary. In 1985 Al Shamal Shrine Centre, Edmonton was given its charter and encompassed all the Units under the Edmonton Shrine Club. We currently have 20 members in the Director’s Staff.

Our unit is not the most visible in the workings of the Al Shamal Shriners but we are here doing a lot of work behind the scenes. Our aims and objectives, according to our bylaws are fourfold: to serve Shrine activities, assist in the initiation of candidates, participate in parades, and assist in major activities for the welfare of the Shrine.

The Director’s Staff are responsible for the care of the candidates during the second section of their initiation. This is a most memorable time for the candidates and the Director’s Staff take great pride in this responsibility. It is the Director’s Staff that ensures that candidates for the Shrine receive a proper welcome into the Nobility.

The Director’s Staff participate in a number of parades through-out the summer months.

We currently have a 2018 Electric 8 seat Classic Car that we use for move-outs and special events.  Just a fun vehicle to drive, everyone loves it

We hold 2 social events a year for our Nobles and their Ladies.

We provide manpower at various functions as requested by the Potentate.

The Director’s Staff sell Shrine/Masonic jewelry and gifts as a fund raiser for our unit. The Director’s Staff meets the first Wednesday of the month at the Al Shamal Shrine Centre. We welcome any Noble who can assist us with our duties and responsibilities. There is no initiation fee and our annual dues are $25.00 for a Regular member and $10 for an Associate member. The Unit provides each Regular member with a uniform at no cost other than a $100.00 non-refundable deposit.

Talk to us about what we do and consider joining this Fun Unit!

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