Motor Corps

The Al Shamal Shrine Motor Corps was formed in 1966 and has earned the title “Signature Unit” because of its ability to regularly place, and often win, competitions at PNSA and Imperial events. Motor Corps is an International Award Winning, precision drill team. We modify our complex competition routine for the enjoyment of spectators at parades.

Like most Shrine Units, the objectives of the Motor Corps are to support the philanthropic work of the Shrine and have fun and camaraderie while doing it. Participation in parades help us promote the Shrine and Shrine Hospitals to the general populations throughout Northern Alberta. At the current time we have openings for new members. We ride 1967 Honda 50 cc “Monkey” Motor Bikes which are stock machines except for chromed fenders, gas tanks, custom mufflers, and a windshield.

At this time our bikes, the uniforms and dress jackets are supplied by the Motor Corps. Our annual dues are low. Parades are followed by lunch with our Ladies. Once a year we hold a Bar B Que and several other events for the total membership and ladies. We provide a hospitality suite for members and invited guests at special events. The cost is shared by all members through regular assessments.

We are a very active and close-knit Unit and we welcome all like-minded members of Al Shamal to consider getting involved. We will be happy to host you at a meeting and give you an opportunity to ride one of our bikes in order to assist you in making the decision to join our unit.

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