Patrol Arabs
The Patrol Arabs Unit was formed in 1954 as a Unit of the Edmonton Shrine Club under the jurisdiction of Al Azhar Shriners, Calgary, AB. It was originally comprised of Past Captains of the Arab Patrol Unit. More recently members have come from within other Units and many are still active with other Units.
While the Patrol Arabs is not a physically active Unit, we do contribute to the welfare of Al Shamal Shriners through assistance in various fundraising activities such as the Circus, Casinos, Auctions, Bingos and Raffles. We are an integral part of the working corps of Al Shamal Shriners under control of the Potentate and stand ready to assist in any Shrine activity when called upon.
Any Noble in good standing who has served five or more years in a uniformed Unit is eligible to be nominated for membership. Our bylaws set our membership fees at $12.00 per annum. A business meeting is held on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon. Several social functions are held with our Ladies throughout the year and costs are assembled on a no host basis.
We encourage Nobles to become actively involved with a Unit of their choice, as that is where they will receive the most benefit and satisfaction from their membership in the Shrine.
Those wishing more information on our Unit, can contact the Unit President through the Al Shamal Shrine office.